Reference no: EM132401331
HRM 3113 - Career Development and Planning - Higher Colleges of Technology, Abu Dhabi
Assessment - Personal Career Development Plan
Assessment objective - This is a development of a personal career plan based on employment trends in the job market, followed by individual presentations.This is a development of a personal career plan based on employment trends in the job market, followed by individual presentations.It is an Individual Assessment. This assessment will cover the CLOs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
LO 1. Critique the value of career development theories in HR planning.
LO 2. Analyze interventions in different employee development situations.
LO 3. Assess the impact of career development on organizational performance.
LO 4. Evaluate the effectiveness of contemporary career development and planning practices in local and global contexts.
LO 5. Develop an employee's personal career plan that aligns with organizational goals.
Career Development Theories
Discuss the theories that you think have contributed most to career development. Explain why. Identify and discuss which theory or theories best reflects your beliefs in how careers develop. Give personal examples to justify these beliefs.
- All theories- brief discussion (5); 3-4 lines about what the theory is about, how each theory is useful. Which theory reflects your experience and beliefs? Justification
Career Interventions
Identify the career interventions that you consider will benefit you most in relation to your career. Identify and discuss which interventions will benefit you most at different stages in your career. Analyze why.
Identify and analyze (why) career interventions (career path, coaching, counselling, mentoring, career development center, TNA) and how they are useful at different stages of your career.
Student- career path, counselling, career development center
Work placement training- mentoring
Work- coaching, TNA, Replacement chart, succession plan, PAQ, Skill Inventory
Career Development Strategies in local contexts
Identify organizations that facilitate career development and planning through their HR strategies. Discuss these strategies.
Please include the concepts such as career coach, assessment center, succession planning, talent management, and career development related to plateaued staff.
Career Planning Practices in the local and global contexts
Identify the most effective practice/s and explain why these practices offer the best opportunities for career development and planning locally and globally. Give specific examples.
Self-Analysis (include tests undertaken)
Identify and prioritize the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) you have, the skills and abilities you do not have or need to improve. Discuss and analyze short term development activities you can take to acquire the needed KSAs- Personal SWOT, Skill Audit and Action Plan, Holland personality test)
Identification of personal goals and career paths
Personal Mission, Values, short range goals (up to 1 year) and your long range goals (2 to 3 years). Discuss and analyze the career paths open to you. You should include a time line with good detail for the next 3 - 5 years.