Hows and oplatka recognized that, the higher education

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Reference no: EM133359038

Question: students satisfaction with facilities on their campus are very integral to their general scidile wellbeing Hows and Oplatka (2006) recognized that, the higher education skel isitmagty affected by globalization, a development that has haghtened competition among Universities and created an international matkes for educational services Tastitutions of higlier learning have therefore been conyelled to design market- printed strategies with classified objectives to attract as sy students as possible (Butt Rebunan, 2010). The goals of most of these institutions have always been centered on meeting or exceeding the needs of their students (Cirober et al., 2010). med on the med specified in above scenario, design a questionnaire for measuring dents satisfaction on campus facilities in terms of campus environment and learning ethods The questions should be framed in liken scale. The questionnaire should coutaius minimum 7 questions and maximum 10 questions excluding demographic questions

Reference no: EM133359038

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