How your training will assist in filling the skills gap

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131733609



This portion of your project connects with a problem that many organizations are facing today, the skills gap. The skills gap refers to the difference between the skill requirements of available jobs and the skills possessed by job applicants.

Case Study

Vice President Cindy Kramer has brought to your attention that two of the office personnel you are going to be training lack basic workplace competencies. These individuals are having problems with all new technology, which has been introduced over the past several years. Growing up in the late 50s and early 60s, they were not acquainted with computers at an early age, as the majority of younger workers are today. Even the Coffee Maker and electric stapler are intimidating to these employees. They also lack skills to answer and control the multiple phone lines, due to the new technology of such equipment.

1. Cindy would like you to document how your training will assist in filling the skills gap connected with these employees.

2. How might you assist the employees in the technical training they require in connection with the training topic you have chosen?

3. Cindy has advised you also, that another office employee lacks in basic English skills. Maria was hired ten years ago by Fleet Trucking, after she and her family moved here from Malaysia. She has very limited English-speaking skills, but is the most valuable employee when it comes to organization of paperwork and files, scheduling drivers for deliveries, and keeping updated logbooks.

4. Cindy is seeking confirmation that you have a plan on how to assist Maria, to ensure that she benefits from the training as greatly as the other trainees do. What can you do?

1. Hire an interpreter?

2. Coach Maria?

3. Attempt to train a coach to work with her?

4. What are your suggestions and why do you feel this will benefit Maria?

Reference no: EM131733609

Questions Cloud

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