How your top three instrumental values fit within the values

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Reference no: EM133608488

Assignment: Rokeach Values Survey Reflection

Utilize the results from the "Rokeach Values Survey" that you completed in Topic.

Submit a 500 to 750 words reflection that identifies your values hierarchy and explains the significance it might have on your leadership style.

Your reflection must include:

1. An identification and explanation of your top three instrumental values.
2. An explanation of how your top three instrumental values fit within the values hierarchy.
3. An explanation of the significance of the top three instrumental values on the approach to leadership.
4. An identification and explanation of your top three terminal values.
5. An explanation of how your top three terminal values fit within the values hierarchy.
6. An explanation of the significance of the top three terminal values on the approach to leadership.

Reference no: EM133608488

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