How your style could affect your relationship with others

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131602095 , Length: word count:3000

Task - Complete four learning journal entries by responding to the questions stated below.

Upon completion of a variety of self - assessment instruments, you are encouraged to develop a deeper understanding of the importance of self-awareness in relation to leadership. Your learning journal is based on your insights and provides you with an opportunity to reflect on the ways in which the issues and concepts raised in the course affect you personally in your role as a manager and leader.

Learning Journal Requirements:

Based on the self-assessment instruments used in the course respond to the following questions:

1. Choose four areas in Leadership for your self-analysis and justify your choice. Length 400 words

2. Summarize the results of the relevant self-assessments in your learning journal. Length 700 words

3. Share your results, insights and conclusions with someone you trust and respect. Ask them for their reactions and comments. Length 700 words

4. Discuss in the journal:

  • What you learned about yourself.
  • How your perceptions of yourself are similar and different from the perceptions of the person with whom you discussed your assessments.
  • How your style could affect your relationship with others, particularly your work relationships. Consider its influence on how you see and relate to others, how others react toward you, and implications for the kind of work you prefer.
  • Given this information, what can you do to take advantage of your strengths and minimize your weaknesses as a manager/leader? What barriers and opportunities exist for the implementation of your personal leadership plan in your student/professional life? Length 1200 words

Rationale -

Management research indicates that developing self-awareness has several advantages: personal growth, career development, and an enhanced ability to understand and have empathy with others. In their studies of managerial and executive derailment, the Center for Creative Leadership found that successful managers: (1) understand their values, personal styles, and strengths and weaknesses; (2) know the impact of these values, styles, strengths and weaknesses, on their ability to effectively work with others and achieve their goals; and (3) are quick to reflect upon and learn from their own experiences.

Despite these advantages, we often resist opportunities to increase our self-awareness. We try to protect our self-esteem. We fear that learning something new about ourselves will be painful or may require us to change. We may think that we already know ourselves well enough. Or we may not want to take the time out of our busy schedules to engage in self-reflection. In short, developing a willingness and ability to engage in self-reflection, is a critical leadership skill that is not easily learned yet reaps many rewards.

Keeping a learning journal is a structured way to develop this skill. This journal is a confidential, written record of your personal development through the class. The learning journal helps you to reflect on how your personal styles influence your interpersonal relationships, particularly in your role as a manager and leader.

The completed assignment should be about 3000 words in all and double spaced. Your learning journal is a confidential document. Only your course facilitator will read it. You are required to identify your learning journal by your name and student number.

This self-assessment prepares you for the analysis of other leaders in Assessment.

The assessment assesses the last learning outcome in relation to leadership self-development: be able to develop a leadership plan and implementation strategies.

Reference no: EM131602095

Questions Cloud

Discuss what are the goals of alternative sanctions : What are the goals of sentencing associated with each role. What are the goals of alternative sanctions
Compare the circuit switching to the packet switching : Compare the circuit switching to the packet switching. Identify the benefits and limitations of the circuit switching and packet switching methods.
What is the domain of the function : The entire graph of f(x) is shown in Figure. What is the domain of f(x)?
What are the differences in arrest and clearance rates : What are the differences in arrest and clearance rates. Explain the terminology/definition of each crime. How do they differ
How your style could affect your relationship with others : How your style could affect your relationship with others, particularly your work relationships. What you learned about yourself
Identify an actual business situation : MHC611 INDEPENDENT CRITICAL ANALYSIS PROJECT (RESEARCH REPORT) - Critically analyse and synthesise an identified business situation using credible sources.
Conduct research on different definitions of intelligence : Conduct some research on different definitions of intelligence and describe your findings. Debate the accuracy of various definitions.
Discuss maximum age for determining culpability : Should there be a minimum age and maximum age for determining culpability
Find a window of given height : Find an interval for x near 0 such that the difference between your conjectured limit and the value of the function is less than 0.01.



8/16/2017 3:17:08 AM

Australian student, 3000 words, and four questions should answer separately and with separate reference. Assignment work demonstrates appropriate selection and integration of theory. Able to consider and expand on topics and issues in the broader disciplinary context. Demonstrates breadth and depth of understanding and has insights and awareness of deeper more subtle aspects of the topic content. Evidence of having researched/read more widely beyond the core materials. Ability to apply these in a consistent and appropriate manner to real life situations.


8/16/2017 3:17:01 AM

Learning journal shows critical reflection on your own experiences and reflects the evaluation and impact of your values, attitudes and behavior on self, others and the organization. Excellent ability to evaluate strengths and weaknesses and to identify barriers and opportunities to developing a personal leadership plan and implementation strategies. Highly developed skills in expression and presentation of ideas. Fluent writing style appropriate to assessment task/document type. Grammar and spelling accurate. Presentation - The completed assignment should be about 3000 words in all and double spaced. Please note the word limit for each entry (400 + 700 + 700 + 1200). You are required to identify each entry (4 entires in all). Please post your entry directly into the journal and NOT as an attachment.

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