How your qualitative analysis method supplement your methods

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Reference no: EM131357111

Mixed method approach

The popularity of mixed methods approaches in evaluation has increased significantly over the last decade, although there is still some controversy regarding these approaches. The mixed methods approach has gained traction in the field of policy evaluation since it represents both a compromise and a challenge for proponents of more conventional evaluation work. Mixed methods studies can range from quantitative work supplemented by case studies at one end, to qualitative work supplemented by secondary or survey types of analyses on the other. The difficulty often arises when methods employing different views of reality or methods designed for different purposes are employed in the evaluation. In addition, mixed methods may attempt to combine different approaches to bias, causality, validity, and sampling. There are also considerations having to do with levels of analyses, concurrent or sequential data collection, and triangulation.

Submit by Day 7 a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

• Assume you were to employ a mixed methods approach to your Final Project. Explain how you would integrate both qualitative and quantitative methods in your design.

• Using the guidelines from the USAID (2013) resource, describe your formulation and explain your reasoning:

o What qualitative method will you use?
o How will your qualitative analysis method supplement your quantitative methods?
o Will you use triangulation?

Reference no: EM131357111

Questions Cloud

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