How your plan would support the teaching approach

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Reference no: EM132176799

Children's Story

Knowing how to address a variety of situations in the early childhood setting and effectively partnering with parents to do so are important skills for all teachers and caregivers. For this assignment, you will choose one of the following scenarios:

Shane has a difficult time separating from his mother each morning. At drop off, he clings to her and screams uncontrollably. After she leaves, Shane continues to scream and cry until you are able to soothe him.

Lisa often gets frustrated when trying to play with other children. She takes toys from their hands and even hits children with the toys.

Next, address each of the following points according to the teaching approach/setting that best reflects your style in your desired classroom setting (e.g. Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Waldorf, traditional preschool, etc.):

Outline a specific plan for addressing the discipline or guidance scenario.

Explain how your plan would support the teaching approach/setting.

Describe how you will create an effective partnership with parents to address the discipline or guidance scenario.

Describe one or two possible obstacles you might encounter when implementing your plan.

Discuss how you will address these obstacles.

The paper should be three to four pages in addition to the title page and the reference page. Use at least two scholarly sources in addition to your text.

Your paper should also be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Reference no: EM132176799

Questions Cloud

Five dimensions of service quality : How do the five dimensions of service quality differ from those of product quality?
How will you rephrase the situation to demonstrate : Restate and reframe the parent's ideas. How will you rephrase the situation to demonstrate to the parent that you understand their problem?
Perspectives of the company : What industrial relations principles are considered in the grievance process relating to the perspectives of the company, union, and the employee respectively?
Is there a common theme in your peer responses : Choose a product with which you are familiar, preferably one in your industry, and explain how it might be repositioned. Indicate its current position.
How your plan would support the teaching approach : Describe how you will create an effective partnership with parents to address the discipline or guidance scenario.
Potential pitfalls of form of recruiting : When would social networking be the best recruiting strategy? What are some of the potential pitfalls of this form of recruiting?
What problems can occur when culture or economic differences : In your reading this week, Souto-Manning and Swick described strategies that promote positive relationships between home and school.
What are the benefits and costs of antibody cross reactivity : How do B and T cells differ with respect to antigens that they bind? What are the benefits and costs of antibody cross reactivity?
Implementing a new strategy : Please provide an example of an organization that was not successful in implementing a new strategy.


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