Reference no: EM132411462
Assignment: Perceptions, Proficiencies, and Opportunities
Successful human services practitioners continually engage in self-reflection, always striving to understand more about themselves. These continued insights not only benefit the practitioner, but also his or her clients. "This requires awareness of one's own values, cultural biases, philosophies, personality, and style in the effective use of the professional self. It also requires an understanding of how these personal characteristics help clients" (Council for Standards in Human Service Education, 2010).
For this Discussion, think about how your studies in the Bachelor of Science in Human Services (BSHS) program may have changed your perception of human services practice. Also, consider your possible strengths and limitations as you begin to engage in the work of human services. Understanding areas of practice in which you excel, and those in which you can improve, is an essential task for developing your professional self.
To Prepare for this Discussion:
• Reflect on what you have learned throughout the Bachelor of Science in Human Services (BSHS) program up to this point.
• Review your coursework and Instructors' feedback on Assignments from PSYC 2010: Introduction to Human Services, HUMN 4001: Case Management for Persons in Need, HUMN 4002: Effective Human Services Interviewing, and HUMN 4003: Measuring Effectiveness of Human Services Delivery.
• Think about how your perception of human services has changed since the beginning of your program.
• Reflect on your strengths and limitations in human services practice.
• Reflect on your experience in the BSHS program and how it has helped to shape your identity as a human services professional.
• Review this week's media titled, "Human Services Philosophy Statement."
With these thoughts in mind:
Post 4 a brief description of an aspect of the BSHS program that may have changed your perception of human services practice and explain how your thinking has changed. Then, explain possible areas of human services practice in which you think you will be most proficient and areas in which you might need further development. Finally, explain how your Walden experience has helped to shape your identity as a human services professional.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.