How your organization can mitigate the short-term issues

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131018705

Describe your ideas and recommendations about how your organization can mitigate the short-term and long-term issues that can arise with respect to data and information system security, legal, and ethical issues.Analyze how at least two of the following topics potentially cause legal and ethical issues/challenges when using or managing information and information systems in your organization:

Social media

Identity theft

Intellectual property rights

Workplace privacy

Software piracy

Patent/Copyright protection

Patent/Copyright infringement

Employee computer use

Review the code of ethics from your organization and identify how the code of ethics can assist the firm in making the proper decisions to control the legal and ethical challenges it potentially faces. Please be specific and provide examples. If you see discrepancies or areas where the code is not comprehensive or inclusive, offer suggestions to further improve the policies. If you think the code is comprehensive and inclusive in its coverage as it relates to the use and management of information or information systems, describe why you think that. In either case, defend your position with sound rationale and relevant examples.

If the organization does not have a code of ethics, explain why a code should be created and how it could assist them. Analyze the implications and risks of not having a sound code of conduct/ethics.

Include your analysis of the effect not having a code of ethics might have on your organization if it has global operations or desires to move into the global market place. How would such an expansion require a different approach to information security, and what potentially might the organization need to consider?

Offer other relevant recommendations or issues that you identified with a brief analysis of why they are important.

Reference no: EM131018705

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