Reference no: EM13994924
Self-Evaluation: Communication Styles
Have you ever heard the phrase, "Actions speak louder than words"? This week, you more closely evaluate your nonverbal communication styles.
Nonverbal is, in many ways, a more descriptive form of communication than verbal. Facial movements, gazing and staring, hand gestures, and body position can tell someone more about how you are feeling and thinking than your words. You should be aware of the variety of nonverbal cues and understand how they influence communication.
Nonverbal communication, especially in business situations, can be quite delicate. Stylistic differences across cultural and gender lines, for example, may cause communication to become more difficult if you are not aware of what cues to look for and avoid. Ineffective nonverbal communication might cause misinterpretations that could damage reputations and inflame situations unnecessarily. Based on what you have read, how do you communicate? What nonverbal styles do you use?
In this Application Assignment, you analyze your personal nonverbal communication styles.
To prepare:
Review this week's Learning Resources.
Review Chapter 3 of Interpersonal Communication: A Goals-Based Approach.
Consider your own communication style.
Consider how your nonverbal behaviors influence your communication with others.
With these thoughts in mind:
Write an essay of at least 300 words providing 2-3 examples of your nonverbal styles. Use the Learning Resources as a guide. Include how understanding nonverbal behaviors influences communication in your professional and personal life.
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