How your classmate organisation is structured

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131098783

Leadership and management

• Choose a classmate to interview about his or her organisation.

• Prepare a list of questions for your interview that will enable you to get the following information:

• How your classmate's organisation is structured

• How project teams fit in to your classmate's organisation's structure

• Your classmate's organisation's culture and its impact on individual and team behaviour and performance

• Read the Learning Resources and other relevant literature on teams and project teams.

• Write a paper that provides a comparative analysis of your classmate's organisation and your organisation. Please refrain from divulging proprietary or confidential information. Also, avoid using actual names of organisations or individuals within organisations within your paper. Recommend changes to organisational structure and culture based on your analysis (1,500 words).

Reference no: EM131098783

Questions Cloud

Comparison of the centrosymmetric and noncentrosymmetric : For the noncentro symmetric anharmonic oscillator described by Eq. (1.4.1), derive an expression for the third-order displacement x˜(3) and consequently for the third-order susceptibility χ(3) 1111(ωq ,ωm,ωn,ωp).
Determine the minimum power input required : Determine the minimum power input required for this air-conditioning system.
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Properties of the anharmonic oscillator model : Tensor properties of the anharmonic oscillator model. Starting from Eq. (1.4.52), relevant to a collection of isotropic, centrosymmetric, anharmonic oscillators, show that the nonlinear susceptibility possesses the
How your classmate organisation is structured : Leadership and management - Choose a classmate to interview about his or her organisation. Prepare a list of questions for your interview that will enable you to get the following information: How your classmate's organisation is structured
Discuss some of the challenges law enforcement agencies : Discuss some of the challenges law enforcement agencies that are not unionized may face. How do you feel about police departments having union protection versus not having union protection?
What would you recommend if the interest rate is 10% per yr : If the cost of heat loss rises by $200 per year (uniform gradient) after the next year and the owner plans to keep the present building for 15 more years, what would you recommend if the interest rate is 10% per year?
Nonlinear polarization oscillating at frequency : Numerical estimate of nonlinear optical quantities. A laser beam of frequency ω carrying 1 W of power is focused to a spot size of 30-μm diameter in a crystal having a refractive index of n = 2 and a second-order susceptibility of χ(2) = 4 × 10-11..
Probability of winning the jackpot under : What was the probability of winning the jackpot under those game rules?


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