How your brain hallucinates your conscious reality

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133488728


This discussion is about our consciousness and its impact on our perception of reality. Remember to break your writing into parts with headings and address the following questions.

This week I would like you to combine what you learned in the lecture video I recorded on consciousness and the Ted Talk video I posted on how your brain hallucinates your conscious reality.

Here are the questions I would like you to answer:

  1. Per the videos, what key ways can consciousness be impacted or distorted?
  2. Give an example of how your consciousness has been distorted in the recent past. What are some of the key reasons why this distortion occurred?
  3. How can somebody avoid this type of conscious distortion in the future?
  4. After learning about optimal consciousness from these lectures, what are some measures you will employ moving forward to maximize your consciousness? Where is the area for improvement, and how can you best optimize these lessons?

Reference no: EM133488728

Questions Cloud

How they inform our understanding of effective social change : Discuss some of important findings by social psychologists on attitude change interventions, and how they inform our understanding of effective social change.
What would be levels of independent and dependent variable : What would be the subject variable of this case and levels of independent and dependent variable?
How to triple your memory by using this trick : If you were sitting in the audience, what would you do to improve your memory based on the TedTalk and this week's material?
What are key takeaways relevant to thinking and intelligence : After watching the TedTalk video by Sir Ken Robinson, what are the key takeaways relevant to thinking and intelligence?
How your brain hallucinates your conscious reality : What you learned in the lecture video I recorded on consciousness and the Ted Talk video I posted on how your brain hallucinates your conscious reality.
What is considered an abnormal behavior : Explain the differences between a normal misbehavior in childhood versus and behaviors that occur during Disruptive Disorder.
Concept of a tool-kit : I like this concept of a tool-kit, because there are times when one tool or skill might not be available, and people need to have others to turn to.
How does piece improve coping-adjustment to long-term care : How does each piece improve coping and adjustment to long-term care? Cite your sources (intext as well for direct quotes).
Should parents and caregivers encourage infants : Should parents and caregivers encourage infants and toddlers to attain developmental milestones at a younger age than the norm?


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