How you would use any test you select to help screen

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133574385

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Some HR professionals begin their staffing role believing that a paper-and-pencil test can be a cure-all for almost all staffing situations. Companies as diverse as Ameritas Life Insurance and the National Football League use the WPT to assess employees and potential hires. It is tempting to look at these numbers and use them as a key step in selecting people for positions. Many universities use the SAT, ACT, GMAT, or GRE exam to screen potential students.


Respond to the following:

A. Describe how you would use any test you select to help screen for a position you are familiar with.

1. Provide at least two sources.

2. You could focus only on the extremes or the midpoints (if 22 is mean for a job, screen only for people near 22), or you could use some other method. Justify your rationale.

Reference no: EM133574385

Questions Cloud

Determine whether they apply to a mesoamerican civilization : They lived in the desert and constructed subterranean structures, called kivas, for religious rituals. One important urban center was Chaco Canyon
Why you believe the plan would be effective : Give your opinion on the major differences between training and organizational learning. Defend the core reasons why you believe the plan would be effective.
Objectives of joint commission in influencing healthcare : What are the role and objectives of the joint commission in influencing healthcare in reporting noncompliance?
Main methods for protecting intellectual property : The Commerce Clause rTrademarks, copyrights, patents, and trade secrets are the four main methods for protecting intellectual property.
How you would use any test you select to help screen : Describe how you would use any test you select to help screen for a position you are familiar with. Provide at least two sources.
Evaluate optimal strategy : Suppose you wanted to start company where you live (Copenhagen, Denmark). Which of PEST factors would be the strongest? How would you evaluate optimal strategy?
Assess the level of insight a patient with ocd has : What are five questions cold would you assess the level of insight a patient with OCD has? Why is it important to know the level of insight?
Describe the services it offers with specific examples : Describe why operations management discipline emerged. Describe the services it offers with specific examples and factors that contribute to its productivity.
Describe the measurement considerations for core framework : Measurement of community health workers (CHW) takes a rigorous and systematic procedure in which CHWs are assessed on many aspects;


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