Reference no: EM131282142
Anticipatory socialization prepares us for changes in role or status.
Remembering that unanticipated changes are more stressful, discuss, in a 3-5 page paper, how you would undertake anticipating age-related changes and planning for your own well-being as you age. Include the following:
1. At what stage of adulthood, based on Super's description, are you now? When do you think you will be at the last stage he lists, "retirement?"
2. If and when you retire from work, how much money will you need? You need not share detailed personal information with the instructor, especially if you feel this question intrudes on your privacy. Just an estimate will do, and you might want to estimate as a proportion of your current or anticipated (at mid-career) income now. Where do you think the money will come from? Do you believe that Social Security will provide part of what you can expect as income?
3. Define leisure activity for you now. Explain why you see these activities as leisure rather than work. How do you see your leisure activity changing as you age? What will determine any changes you expect might happen?
4. What type of environment would you seek out to live in as you get older? This may be a very broad question, but since environment is defined in so many dimensions by people, just identify your picture of a place you'd like to live in when you get older (i.e. geographical region; proximity to family; age-integrated community...). Describe how you would go about deciding this.
5. Discuss any other areas that you think should be included in your anticipatory socialization plan.
6. Define productivity for you. Estimate how productive you believe you will be and what your productivity will consist of, when you are in the last stage of Super's stages of adult life.
As usual, please write the paper and cite all of your sources using APA or MLA format.
Attachment:- STUDY_NOTES.rar
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How you would undertake anticipating age-related changes
: At what stage of adulthood, based on Super's description, are you now? When do you think you will be at the last stage he lists, "retirement?"
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