How you would resolve such issues in the future

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133177633

Scenario 1

A Senior Manager who is due for promotion to a leadership position hires an employee into his team who has 15 years of work experience. The estimate is the employee he has hired would need 3 months to integrate into the new company and would then start producing value. After 6 months the new hired employee seems to be a misfit due to his lack of professional skills. The Senior Manager has been flawless in his work; however, he is concerned that his lack of expertise in hiring the right person for the job can affect his career growth and question his ability to take decisions as he has already hired a few misfits in the past. To address this, he ensures the new hire works on projects with his most skilled resource XYZ in his team. The problem is new hire contribution in any project is very minimalistic and yet he gets 50% of the credit so the manager can prove to the management his hire is an excellent fit. XYZ is concerned about two things, the new hire hogging away credit for work he has not done and the second being when his present manager leaves the team the new manager would only appraise him on 50% of the project as credit is shared between him and the new hire.

Q: How you would resolve such issues in the future. Which persuasion strategies would work best in your context?

Reference no: EM133177633

Questions Cloud

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