How you would make a business case for the management

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Reference no: EM132099885

Discussion 1 : "Incident Response Team" Please respond to the following:

Imagine you work for a medium-sized business in the information security department and suppose you've determined the need to structure and implement an incident response plan and team.

Propose how you would make a business case for the management team, explaining why this is a needed component of the security program at the company.

Determine how you would design the incident response team, knowing that you would use six people from your current staff to comprise the team. Identify the role that each of these individuals would take and briefly discuss the tasks each would need to absorb.

Discussion 2 : "Moving into the Future" Please respond to the following:

Select a law that currently governs how technology can be used and discuss it in detail utilizing your own words.

Determine whether or not you believe this legislation and other laws surrounding technology are keeping up with the changes and fast paced advancement of information technology and crime. Provide a rationale with your response.

From the e-Activity, determine whether or not you agree with the authors on the identified numerous issues within the digital forensics community and if more government regulation is needed in this arena.

Additionally, suppose you were asked to propose how a governing body could be organized to assist in these issues and indicate what your structure might be.


Go to the CERIAS website to read the study titled "Cyber Forensics: The Need for an Official Governing Body" dated April 2015.

Reference no: EM132099885

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