How you would hedge the risk of offering

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131595659

Write a short briefing report to the senior management team of your financial institution (not to exceed 1,500 words).

You work for a building society (i.e. mortgage bank/company) and you want to offer a 10 year fixed rate mortgage at a rate of 2.5%.

Your main business is to take short term deposits from retail investors and to offer mortgages. Carefully explain to a new non-executive director how you would hedge the risk of offering such a low fixed rate mortgage.

Also outline to the non-executive director how you would calculate the fixed rate mortgage rates which you consider offering.

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The report attached is a briefing report which consists of the procedures of the fixed rate fixing for the mortgage loans. Also the rates fixed are subjected to the risk. The details of the risks and hedging risk procedures discussed in the report. There is also discussion on the calculation of the fixed interest rates for these mortgage loans.

Reference no: EM131595659

Questions Cloud

When will the population of india exceed that of china : In 2011, the populations of China and India were approximately 1.34 and 1.19 billion people29, respectively.
What specifically will you do to gather information : What specifically will you do to gather information (not research that's been currently done), but your own research to support your thesis statement?
Find a formula for the number of wild tigers : In November 2010, a "tiger summit" was held in St. Petersburg, Russia.28 In 1900, there were 100,000 wild tigers worldwide; in 2010 the number was 3200.
Difference between e-commerce and e-business : How do you define e-commerce? What is the difference between e-commerce and e-business? Develop your own list of the top three reasons an organization.
How you would hedge the risk of offering : Carefully explain to a new non-executive director how you would hedge the risk of offering such a low fixed rate mortgage.
Discuss the continuous growth rates of textbook : With time, t, in years since the start of 1980, textbook prices have increased at 6.7% per year while inflation has been 3.3% per year.
Current or former job : Describe some risks you have encountered within your current or former job. What steps were taken to either mitigate or manage these risks?
Specific activities that support creativity : Apply one of these to a real life professional or personal experience involving creativity in your life (from childhood to adulthood).
Find the half-life of caffeine using logarithms : A cup of coffee contains 100 mg of caffeine, which leaves the body at a continuous rate of 17% per hour.



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