How you would configure the redo log files

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131503902

Tasks Objectives:

1. Manage client-server connections using RDBMS Net Services

2. Evaluate requirements and select appropriate parameters to ensure effective storage management in a database system

3. Manage Redo log information of a database

Task # 1 Submit a work proposal for this assignment by the end of week 9th i.e. 6th May, 2017 (11:55 pm) which must include:
- Understanding of deliverables - a detail description of deliverables
- General overview of proposed plan - initial understanding of solution for the task-2 to task-3.
- Resources identified

The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle.

Task # 2 a) Consider you are working as a Database Administrator for ABQ Infotech Co. ABQ Infotech Co. has recently designed and developed a database application for a certain organization. You have been assigned the job to load external data from the existing legacy system to the newly developed system. Discuss the necessary steps required to perform this operation. You must include different data types in data file of legacy system e.g. Number, Varchar, Date etc. in the legacy system data.

Your solution must also include the necessary commands and screenshots to load data from variable length and fixed length data file. You may consider any two database management system software's of your choice.

This task must be demonstrated in College Database Lab in Week 12th as part of viva.

b) Consider you are working as a DBA for a certain organization. How you would configure the redo log files of the database application systems in the networking environment. Discuss all strategies related with configuration and management of redo log files. Your solution must include the necessary commands with screenshots.

Prepare for a presentation in Week#12 on "Advanced Data Types and New Applications". The presentation must cover one of the following topics:
- Temporal data
- Spatial and Geographic data Note:
- You must upload the presentation slides as a separate file in Moodle.
- You may include up to 12-15 slides in the presentation document
- Duration of presentation is 15 minutes.

Verified Expert

The solution file is prepared in ms word and power point using sql plus which discussed about to load the file as variable and fixed length in sql file and also discussed on rename of redo log file and explained about the strategies to configure the redo file. The power point is explained about the temporal ,spatial and geographic data.

Reference no: EM131503902

Questions Cloud

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Invent a technological device : Imagine that you have all the resources available to you to invent a technological device to do that job for you.
How you would configure the redo log files : Advanced Database Administration (COMP 0343) Evaluate requirements and select appropriate parameters to ensure effective storage management in a database system
Difference between feedback and feed-forward control : Explain the difference between feedback and feed-forward control?
How did the industrial revolution affect the role of women : How did Industrial Revolution affect role of women? Was this change universal throughout all of Europe? How did this influence the course of events in Europe?
Writing for international audiences : What are some cautions to consider when writing for international audiences?
Warhead cable test dilemma : It was Monday morning at Bryson Corporation's cable division assembly plant. Stanton Wong, the quality supervisor, had been worrying all weekend.


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