How you would conduct a data protection impact

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM133718808

Case 1: A large government department wishes to develop an HRM applications suite to be hosted on the AWS cloud.

The applications suite will comprise a mix of bespoke software developed to manage various HR functions (e.g., employee data, job-related information, and appraisals/performance data) and self-service portlets for leave applications and promotion requests.

You have been asked to provide reasonably detailed advice for planning and scoping purposes for the cloud-based system to be developed.

Submit a 2- to 4-page report in Microsoft Word and APA format in which you do the following:

Question 1. Analyze, in some detail, which aspects of AWS would be relevant or influential for the planned cloud-based systems development. Structure your write-up in terms of IaaS and PaaS issues and considerations.

Question 2. A key aspect of the work will involve designing systems for storing and manipulating structured (relational) and semi-structured (key value and document-oriented) data. Analyze which aspects of AWS could be used to support this aspect of the HRM applications development.

Question 3. Dealing specifically with the development of online self-service portlets for the HRM application, outline the general scheme of work that would need to be carried out with AWS to implement this. You should make reasonable assumptions pertaining to the type of application being developed and anticipated user requirements.

Case 2: In this Assignment, you will describe how you would conduct a data protection impact assessment in compliance with GDPR Article 35.

GDPR Article 35 requires the controller to conduct a data protection impact assessment prior to the processing of personal data. This means that you need to know who has access to personal data and what privileges and possible vulnerabilities or risks of unauthorized access are at every stage of personal data processing. This includes access by third-party processors and vendors.

Submit a 2- to 4-page paper in APA format in which you:

Question 1: Describe how you would conduct a data protection impact assessment prior to the processing of personal data in your organization (or one with which you are familiar) in compliance with GDPR Article 35.

Question 2: Describe how you would discover privileged user and application accounts across the enterprise.

Question 3: Assess how easy or difficult it would be for an external attacker to use third-party access and identify various critical pathways.

Question 4: Explain how you would conduct data protection impact assessments to show understanding of your areas of privileged access vulnerability.



Reference no: EM133718808

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