How you will work with peter to identify his goals

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Reference no: EM133592210

Peter, aged 63, is a married man living with his wife Rhonda in a rural location in Victoria. He has three grown up children and six grandchildren. Two children live interstate and one child lives in the same small township as Peter and Rhonda. Peter has suffered from obesity with associated Type 2 Diabetes for the past 20 years. Peter has a history of non compliance with his diet and exercise plan. He regularly eats large quantities of fast food, smokes a packet of cigarettes a day and is a heavy beer drinker. Peter's mobility is restricted due to his obesity, gradually worsening eyesight and an ulcer on the heel of his right foot. He is also complaining of lethargy associated with early stage renal failure. Principles of care To provide optimal care to a person experiencing a chronic illness and to ensure all needs are met, the following key principles of practice must be observed, as cited in Chapter Five of your textbook Chang and Johnson (2022). These principles recognize that people's lived experience of chronic illness is different. A person's individual characteristics; cognitive, emotional, behavioral, level of education, cultural identity, social connectivity and socio -economic status are just some factors that impact upon their response to the experience of chronic illness.

Question : Collaborative decision making: consider how you will work with Peter to identify his goals. Use examples from either Health Coaching or Motivational Interviewing strategies

Reference no: EM133592210

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