Reference no: EM132889371 , Length: word count:1500
• The purpose of this assignment task is for students to identify ways to confront complex, messy, ambiguous problems, make new connections, with a creative, innovative and critical set of lenses.
• This task is an individual task, a reflective - yet academic - piece of writing that can be undertaken in a number of modes. The "think piece" is a genre of writing "a bit more thought out" than a free write, but not a formal essay.
• Ways to consider the think piece:
o as a carefully considered letter written to an interested friend, a new or veteran say, who is a big supporter of your journey... You'll want to convey our ideas to this friend or colleague;
o a piece of writing which is meant to be thought-provoking that consists of personal opinion compared and contrasted with concepts, theories and academic articles;
o a blog post highlighting a greater need for creativity and critical thinking in the workplace, and how to put practical steps in place to achieve it;
o an article for your Linkedin profile examining your key learnings from the course and specific ways you are prioritising the development of creativity and critical thinking in your development as a future leader;
o a negotiated mode - i.e. using technology or a verbal presentation - discuss with your lecturer is you would like to use this option;
• While this is short in quantity - it is a major piece and should be underpinned by knowledge & skills developed in the workplace or in class and of an academic standard that reflects a deep understanding of the importance of critical and creative thinking.
• Select a concept or idea you want to focus on - you won't have enough word count to cover everything in the course!
• Revisit some of the prescribed readings and do a Google Scholar search for more recent journal articles. Read these articles with the purpose to help build your arguments - compare and contrast different perspective son the concept you are focusing on.
• Choose a genre you want to write, think about how you will organise your writing, for most formats subheadings might be a good idea to organise your 1500 words, use of images and diagrams can also be included.
• You are expected to draw on 6-8 academic journal articles and to reference these correctly in-text and as a reference list.
Task - How to write and individual Think Piece
Ways to consider the think piece:
- as a carefully considered letter written to an interested friend, a new or veteran say, who is a big supporter of your Journey_ You'll want to convey your ideas to this friend or colleague:
- a piece of writing which is meant to be thought-provoking that considered compared and contrasted with concepts, theories and academic articles.
- a biog post nigniipting a greater need for creativity and critical thinking in the '...rorkplace, and how to put practical steps in place to achieve it:
- an article for your Linkedln profile examining your key learnings from the course and specific ways you are prioritising the development of creativity and critical thinking in your development as a future leader:
- a negotiated mode - i.e. using technology or a verbal presentation - discuss with your lecturer if you would like to use this option