How you will keep track of the changes made to the file

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM131529991


1. You are leading a team of yourself and 3 others on a Linux project, and you must establish some way of sharing files among your team. Your requirements are:

(a) Your 4-person team uses the user ids a, b, c, and d

(b) All team user ids must be able to create, edit, print, and delete any team file

(c) All team user ids will continue to have personal files in their home directory that should not be shared with anyone, including team members.

(d) There must be only one (1) copy of the contents of any team file

(e) Each file may have as many names (links, hard or soft) as desired

(f) User ids not part of the team should not be able to access any team file in any way, including listing file names.

(g) You are restricted to "normal" user capabilities (i.e. you are not root and do not have special privileges) and you may use only those programs and utilities that are currently installed on the syccuxas01.pcc.eduserver.

(h) The parent directory of all home directories is/home/student. In other words, the home directories of your team members are sub directories of/home/student.

(i) All activity must remain on the Linux server - don't even think about Google Docs!

Please list:

(a) The names and permissions of all directories you will use to support your team files

(b) The specific commands you would use to create the directories, such Asmkdir, chmod, and so forth.

(c) The procedures or rules team members should follow when creating, editing, or deleting team files. In other words, how will you instruct your team to use the directories you have created in order to ensure the security and integrity of your team files?

2. You are responsible for a very important Linux file named veryImportantLinuxFile that must be modified and executed every day. For legal, moral, ethical, and financial reasons you are never allowed to make a full copy of this file, although you are allowed to keep track of the changes you make each day.

Furthermore, the very important person who assigned you responsibility for this very important file has stated that at the end of the year a date will be selected at random, and you must re-create the file that was executed on that day.

Using only the capabilities of your student account and the commands and utilities available to you onsyccuxas01, please describe:

(a) How you will keep track of the changes made to the file veryImportantLinuxFile each day, including any directories, scripts, and commands you will use.

(b) How you will re-create the file that was used on the date specified at the end of the year, including any commands and scripts you will use.

Be as detailed as possible, and state the specific Linux commands you will use.

3. Your diligence and expertise has resulted in the discovery of a malware infection on the Linux server, and you have been assigned the task of cleaning all files on the system to remove the infection.

Files that are infected (and only those files) contain a string of null characters (ASCII code 0) of length equal to the full pathname of the file. For example, if the file /home/student/doug.jones/fileA were infected, it would contain a string of 30 null characters, and if the file /etc/passwd were infected it would contain a string of 11 null characters.

There are hundreds of thousands of files on the system. Your task is to find all infected files, and remove the infection by removing the string of null characters from the file's contents. No other part of the file's contents should be altered in any way.

Please describe in detail how you will accomplish this task, including the specific commands (or scripts) that you will use. You may assume that you have access to all files on the system, but possess no other special privileges.

Reference no: EM131529991

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