How you will incorporate a commitment to social change

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Reference no: EM132480085

Discussion: Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies

As you begin your studies at Walden, you have probably thought about what you hope to gain from the program of study you will complete. What are your hopes and aspirations as an emerging professional beginning graduate-level study? Apart from a degree in psychology, also think about what you will gain from engaging with the scholarly community at Walden University. Your Program of Study (POS) document can help you anticipate the topics you will learn about and perhaps the kinds of skills you will master as you complete your graduate degree.

This week, you will discuss potential challenges you and your classmates foresee in the coming weeks. Together, you can share strategies that could help you overcome these challenges, as a group and individually.

This dialogue through the Discussion Board is designed to connect you with your new colleagues so that you can develop community and engage with each other in a supportive manner as you begin the educational journey together.

To prepare for this Discussion:

• Locate and download your Program of Study (POS) from your Field of Study tab, found in the left navigation menu.

• Review Walden's mission and vision statements and Walden's goals and values in this week's Learning Resources.

• Explore the web page "Social Change," located in this week's Learning Resources.

• Reflect on what you hope to achieve as a graduate student personally, professionally, and within the larger community.

• Consider factors that could pose a challenge to the successful completion of your chosen degree.

• Reflect on your values, ideals, and goals in relation to what you have learned about Walden.

• Think about how you will incorporate a commitment to social change, particularly as it relates to the area(s) of interest represented by your program/specialization, into your professional, personal, and academic goals.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post: a description of at least two expectations that you have about your program (e.g., something you hope to get out of the graduate program, for yourself, your family, or your community). Apply those expectations and hopes to Walden's mission, vision, and values. Then, describe at least two challenges or barriers you foresee in completing your degree. Share and explain at least one strategy you will use to help you overcome those challenges that might also be useful to your colleagues. Then explain why you chose this particular field of study at Walden and how you intend to use your degree.

Reference no: EM132480085

Questions Cloud

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Reflect on your progress in gaining knowledge and skills : Reflect on your progress in gaining knowledge, skills, attitudes, and identity of professional practice. Explore any concerns that arose and may require.
What is the impact of global environmental stress : What is the Impact Of Global Environmental Stress On Universal Well-Being. Explain how you believe mindfulness helps people to be better stewards of this plane
What is global stratification : What is global stratification? Examine global stratification's relationship to economic inequality.
How you will incorporate a commitment to social change : Think about how you will incorporate a commitment to social change, particularly as it relates to the area(s) of interest represented by your program.
How does gender play a major role in the short fictions : How does gender play a major role in the short fictions? Do the time periods in each of the literary works cause the characters to act and react in certain ways
Develop for the armed self-defense is a practical solution : Develop for the topic, Armed self-defense is a practical solution for stopping further violence. Next to each argument, list where this information
Should the united states invest in nuclear power : should be included as a major component of 21st century plans to combat global warming and to help us meet the growing energy demand?
What days and specific hours will you be able to set aside : Reflect on your current schedule. During an average week, what days and specific hours will you be able to set aside for your academic studies?


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