How you will avoid the pitfalls and capitalize on benefits

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Reference no: EM133545537

Discussion Post

Think about this

Since February 14, 2018, the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have used technology to show the world how they feel about the shooting at their school, the deaths of their friends, and how future tragedies must be averted. Their voices are being conveyed through all types of social media. Their ages are irrelevant. Children ages 14-18 organized a march on Washington, D.C. that is replicating in cities across the nation. Children organized a bus tour across major cities in the US last summer to register voters and speak out concerning gun violence. Children are shaming politicians and law enforcement, gun enthusiasts and pretty much all adults who failed to protect them in their neighborhood public school. Children are angry, and they have a voice through technology. They are using computers to educate us, the adults, concerning the changes that need to occur in our country.

Review March for Our Lives

The Douglas High School students are not alone. Children all over the country, and even the world, are using technology to share their opinions.

Review ways children are blogging and using social media to change the world.

Child Activists: Ten Stories About

20 Young Activists Who Are Changing the World
Kid President
Evita Nuh

Vlogging at 11 Years Old Zoella

Top 5 Children Bloggers: Meet The Kids Who Make The Difference

Ruby Bridges by Norman Rockwell- Review ways teachers are blogging

• Teacher Activist Groups

• WeAreTeachers | Ideas, Inspiration, and Giveaways for Teachers


Blogging activists, blogging social media stars, blogging students at school...

After watching these videos, what is your opinion in regard to children using digital media to share their opinions?

Essay Problem

Remember when we discussed TV commercials and the way they exploit our attention? The Should This Exist: The World Wide Web podcast extends the issue of exploitation of our attention into exploitation of our identity, our opinions and our privacy.

Consider one or more amazing benefits of technology mentioned in this week's resources that will affect your life and learning in the future. Then identify one or more disastrous risks of technology that could sabotage your life and learning in your future.

Write a short essay

Describing how you will avoid the pitfalls and capitalize on the benefits when creating and consuming educational technology in the future.

In addition, explicitly refer to at least two experts in your essay. When we quote an expert or paraphrase them closely, we must tell our reader where we got the information and give the expert credit by putting the author's name right there in the text (in-text citation) so the reader can go to the References section at the end of our essay and find the full description of our source.

Reference no: EM133545537

Questions Cloud

Examples of social factors to think about-gender-race : Examples of social factors to think about include, gender, race, ethnicity, age, family, media, politics, economy, religion, place, time.
Presence of a functional virus : presence of a functional virus is required for the transformation of progeny cells of the original viral-transformed cell. More than one viral particle was
Why amino acids and nucleic acids are not the same : Explain why amino acids and nucleic acids are not the same thing by identifying differences in their structures (monomers and polymers) and the general function
What are twitter most important assets : What characteristics or benchmarks can be used to assess the business value of a company such as Twitter? Have you used Twitter to communicate with friends
How you will avoid the pitfalls and capitalize on benefits : Describing how you will avoid the pitfalls and capitalize on the benefits when creating and consuming educational technology in the future.
How the company has embraced the eight corporate governance : Provide a brief introduction about your allocated company Summarize how the company has embraced the eight corporate governance principles and make specific
What does their evolved human mermaid look like : What does their evolved human mermaid look like? Did their description of what human mermaids that evolved by natural seleciton would look like fit with their
Did you watch them with ads : Did you watch them with ads? Did you watch them in a fairly distraction free environment? Did you watch them on your phone?
Explore the chambers, and after 20 minutes : Explore the chambers, and after 20 minutes counted the number of flies at each end of the chambers. Which of the following represents a significant flaw


Write a Review

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