How you will approach locating and vetting high-quality

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Reference no: EM133496863

Discussion Post: Unbiased Sources

This discussion prepares you for the source research you are conducting for your Apply assignment due this week. Be sure to complete this practice assignment before starting the Apply assignment.Constructing a rationale requires research, and research requires identifying unbiased sources of information. Clearly, you cannot rely on a company's own marketing materials to be unbiased in its evaluation of its own products. Write a 150 words response about how you will approach locating and vetting high-quality, unbiased sources of information when researching trends, vendors, and other easily hyped topics. How confident are you in your knowledge of identifying unbiased recommendations for a specific project type? Why?

Reference no: EM133496863

Questions Cloud

How will they prepare you for your future role as an np : What were the most important concepts you learned in week 7? Why are these concepts important? How will they prepare you for your future role as an NP?
Summarize the health care problem or issue : Summarize the health care problem or issue. Describe your interest in the topic. Describe any professional experience you have with this topic.
What the future holds for the topic : PSYCH 435- What the future holds for this topic, and after writing this paper would you want to work in this area in the future.
Develop a prediction model for the damt variable : Develop a prediction model for the DAMT variable using any of the variables as predictors (except ID and DONR). Fit at least four candidate models.
How you will approach locating and vetting high-quality : How you will approach locating and vetting high-quality, unbiased sources of information when researching trends, vendors, and other easily hyped topics.
How evidence-based practice was used in creating : Discussion of how evidence-based practice was used in creating the intervention plan. Plan for evaluating the proposed nursing intervention.
Discuss what you would assess in regard to a clients culture : Discuss what you would assess in regard to a client's culture. For example, are there specific dietary requirements?
What sources of information do you trust : How you can differentiate between fly-by-night product or approach and one with real business value and staying power. What sources of information do you trust?
Demonstrate to the prelicensure admissions committee : The purpose of the application is to demonstrate to the Prelicensure Admissions Committee your understanding of the Registered Nurse role.?


Write a Review

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