How you will apply the responsibilities of a nurse

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Reference no: EM133266257

Assignment - Self Care and Lifelong Learning Discussion

Topic - For your main post, please describe in your own words how you will manage your own health and well-being as you begin your role in the nursing profession. What specific measures and strategies have you used throughout your nursing education to manage stress, personal responsibilities, growth, and overall self-care? Share one of your own strategies for self-care. Attach it to your main discussion post. You may include a relaxation or meditation lesson, for example. Secondly, please include a paragraph on following up with lifelong learning in your new professional role. Review the article (Professional Strategies to Enhance Nurses' Knowledge and Maintain Safe Practice) and how you will apply the responsibilities of a nurse to your future plan of continuing educations, safe practice, and licensing requirements.

Reference no: EM133266257

Questions Cloud

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