How you will apply gottman theory to brenda and steve

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133535819

Case Study: Brenda and Steve have been married for 10 years. They have two children, aged 7 and 5. Steve is a VP of sales for a technology firm and Brenda has been a homemaker since the birth of their first child. They live in a nice neighborhood in one of the suburbs in California. Brenda and Steve met in college. They dated through college and moved in together when Steve was accepted into graduated school. When Steve graduated with his MBA, they got married a year later. Steve liked Brenda's openness and sensitivity. He used to describe her as a "free spirit", someone who could do the wildest thing on a whim. He loved her spontaneity and genuineness. Brenda admired Steve's brain and the way he made her laugh. She felt safe with him and believed he was very dependable. In the beginning of their relationship, they got along really well and were very happy. The first time they both started feeling that the relationship was not working well was after the birth of their first child. Initially, both wanted to have a baby, and both were thrilled when their first daughter, Kimberly, was born. However, in the months following the birth they started arguing a lot about small things. Soon after, they started blaming one another for various things. Brenda blamed Steve for not being involved in Kimberly's care or assisting around the house. Steve blamed Brenda for criticizing him and for always nagging him about "stupid little things". Things had gotten so bad that they started thinking about separating. However, they still wanted to give it a try and, in an attempt, to mend things, they implemented dates nights once a week and went away on a holiday, only to discover a couple of weeks after their return that Brenda was pregnant again. At first, they were both overwhelmed by the news, but then they talked it through and agreed that it had probably been a sign that they should stick together and raise their family. The next few months went fairly well. Brenda felt that Steve was taking care of her and making sure she was comfortable and safe. Brenda was mostly in a good mood and tried to minimize her requests from Steve. Things were looking up. However, shortly after the birth of their son, Kevin, they started fighting again. The tension in the house was getting worse every day. They were both very tired and drained. Brenda was feeling overwhelmed with taking care of two children and she felt abandoned by Steve. She started begging him to come home early or work from home some days. For his part, Steve was working more hours than ever. He often missed dinner and when he did not, he would often say he was exhausted and go to bed immediately after dinner. The bitterness and anger in the relationship grew more and more until Steve told Brenda that he felt that they need to have a trial separation. Brenda was devastated. Even though she was very unhappy in the relationship, she did not expect that Steve would leave her. She was desperate and begged him to reconsider. Brenda asked if he would try couples therapy and Steve agreed. Brenda and Steve make an appointment and they are currently your clients.


  1. Conceptualization this couple using Gottman theory?
  2. Help you develop a treatment plan for Brenda and Steve with Gottman Theory?
  3. How you will apply Gottman theory to Brenda and Steve?
  4. What will be the best conceptualization and treatment plan? ( Conceptualization refers to how a therapist working within that theory would define the problem in the family - using that theory's concepts, what would the therapist say is "the problem," or the reason things aren't working well currently. )
  5. what interventions would be provided according to the Gottman Theory?

Reference no: EM133535819

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