How you think the changes above have improved your draft

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131350943

WRITING PROJECT: Argument paper

Please write the argument paper, the topic is in the outline, you could have a little bit difference. (from the both sides).

I will upload the outline, you could make a revision based on this topic of the outline.

I will also upload the simple paper, just follow the format, since we have the different topic.

MLA format

Please follow this format,

Part One:

Cover letter

• Minimum 200 words (successful cover letters are often longer)
• Address letter to your instructor
• Describe, explain, and (where applicable) provide brief, specific examples of the following in your cover letter:

o The feedback you received from your peers and how you revised your first draft based on that feedback
o The content you have changed to address Step 8 above, improve the composition, and appeal to your audience
o How you think the changes above have improved your draft
o Any problems you encountered in your revision and how you solved them

Place the cover letter at the beginning of your final draft, before the first page of your actual composition; delete the situation analysis

Part Two:

First draft:

• An essay taking a stand and making arguments in support of a view or course of action on the issue, problem, or controversy developed in Writing Project 3.

• Clearly focused, debatable, and supportable thesis statement advocating your view on the problem or controversy

• Use of evidence from sources, objectively and accurately interpreted

• Effective reasoning that demonstrates how the evidence supports the thesis and the specific arguments being made

• A logical organizational structure that clearly and effectively guides readers through the arguments being made

• Use of evidence from sources (at least 10 quotations and/or paraphrases), clearly discernible from each other and from the writer's voice and cited using correct in-text citations

• Use of at least 5 relevant and highly credible sources, at least 4 from the Ivy Tech Library databases. (No Print Sources.)

• APA or MLA manuscript style, as specified by your instructor, with in-text citations and a References or Works Cited list including ALL sources used. (References or Works Cited list does not count in the minimum word-count requirement)

• Observation of the conventions of Standard English

1250 words minimum for first draft.

Attachment:- Outline_Argument_Paper_Shuning.rar

Reference no: EM131350943

Questions Cloud

Walmart executive committee : Create a 6-8-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that will be presented to Walmart's Executive Committee. The presentation should cover the following items:
Do you see any problems with their approach or methods : Do Komar & Melamid's findings align with your own tastes and preferences in art? Do you see any problems with their approach or methods?
Downside to the global economy : Is there a downside to the global economy evolving to be based completely and wholly on the law of comparative advantage? What risks, if any, does a country assume by making production decisions only according to the law of comparative advantage?
Withdraws ten percent of every deposit : An open market purchase of $1 million by the Fed will see banking system deposits increase by how much? Please show your work.
How you think the changes above have improved your draft : The content you have changed to address Step 8 above, improve the composition, and appeal to your audience. How you think the changes above have improved your draft?
Determine the types of radiation emitted in the y decays : Verify that the parts of the y-decay selection rules relating L to the nuclear spins represent angular momentum conservation requirements. Use the fact that a γ ray from a transition of multipolarity L carries L units of angular momentum.
What is the maximum amount bank a could lend : Bank A has checkable deposits of $150 million, vault cash equaling $2 million and deposits at the Fed equaling $16 million. If the required reserve rate is ten percent what is the maximum amount Bank A could lend? Please show your work.
Select a contemporary public figure that illustrates concept : Select a contemporary public figure that illustrates the concept of "virtuous" as described by Aristotle.In what ways does this person exhibit the virtues that were described by Aristotle?Your research should be documented by citing one or more credi..
Write a five pages persuasive essay on gun control : Write a 3 to 5 page persuasive essay on gun control (not in favor of gun control).Thesis statement the last sentence of the introduction ... MLA format with a rough draft along with the final copy and 2 cited sources.


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