Reference no: EM132235938
Assignment 1: Diversity Issues in Treating Addiction
The complexities of working with diverse populations in treating disorders, such as addictions, require special considerations. Some approaches work better with some populations than with others.
For example, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) programs are spiritually based and focus on a higher power. Some populations have difficulty with these concepts and are averse to participating in such groups.
Select a population-for example, African Americans; Native Americans; or lesbians, gays, or bisexual individuals. Research your topic by using articles from the supplemental readings for this course or from other resources such as the Web, texts, experience, or other journal articles related to diversity issues and addictions.
Write a three- to five-page paper discussing the following:
• Some specific considerations for working with your chosen population in the area of addiction treatment
• Whether your research indicates that 12-step groups work with this population
• Any special problems associated with this population that make acknowledging the addiction and seeking treatment more difficult
• Any language or other barriers that this population faces when seeking treatment
Prepare your paper in Microsoft Word document format. Name your file, and submit it to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned Follow APA guidelines for writing and citing text.
Assignment 2: Discussion Questions
Your facilitator will guide you in the selection of two of the three discussion questions. Submit your responses to these questions to the appropriate Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Through the end of the module, comment on the responses of others.
All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
You will be attempting two discussion questions in this module; each worth 28 points. The total number of points that can be earned for this assignment is 56.
Minority Groups
Many minority groups experience stress secondary to their social surroundings. For example, a family living in poverty may face frequent violence. Limited income makes meeting the day-to-day needs of the family uncertain.
Discuss how you think minority stress may influence the development of and recovery from addiction. Include references from journal articles, Web sources, texts, or experience.
Evaluation Criteria for Discussion Question Response:
Discussed your view on how minority stress may influence the development of and recovery from addiction.
Included references from journal articles, Web sources, texts, or experience.
Treatment Sources for Minorities
Consider minority groups in your community. What treatment sources for addiction are available in your community for these groups? What barriers to treatment do these groups face in your community?
Evaluation Criteria for Discussion Question Response:
Discussed the treatment sources for addiction available in your community for minority groups.
Discussed the barriers to treatment minority groups face in your community.
Ethical Considerations
What ethical considerations are important in working with minorities in treating addiction? Support your opinions with references, texts, Web citations, or experience.
Evaluation Criteria for Discussion Question Response:
Discussed the important ethical considerations in treating addiction when working with minorities.
Supported your opinions with references, texts, Web citations, or experience.
Assignment 3: Course Project Task II: Introduction and Literature Review
In this module, you will write the Introduction and Literature Review sections of your research paper.
The Introduction will serve as a gateway to the presentation of the findings in your literature review, which, in turn, will support your statement of the problem. In the Introduction section, identify the problem you want to address in your paper. In addition, outline the following:
• The intent and purpose with which you have undertaken the course project on teaching, supervision, or ethics in addictions counseling
• The problem you want to discuss-the research question that will be answered by the study
• The objective of your research study-the aspects or reasons that motivated you to conduct the study
• The approach that you intend to pursue for the study
Next begin the Literature Review section of your final project. For your Literature Review, briefly summarize the findings from your review of journal articles. In addition, provide the following:
• The existing literature relevant to the research on teaching, supervision, or ethics in addictions counseling
• The development of research on your topic over a period of time
• Any patterns or paradigms that emerge from studying the literature
• The designs, approaches, contradictions, and nature of the data used in the relevant literature
• The relevance of the assumptions made in the reference articles
Write the Introduction and the Literature Review sections in one- to two-pages in Microsoft Word document format. Name your file , and submit it to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned. Follow APA guidelines for writing and citing text.
You will receive feedback from your facilitator.
Note: In Module 5, you will rewrite the Introduction and Literature Review sections to refine them further. You will complete these two sections of your research paper to reflect the changes and suggestions received from the facilitator at the first draft review stage. If you need additional input from your facilitator, you will make arrangements for a consultation.
After completing the literature review in this module, you will begin working on the Discussion section of your research paper. You will conceptualize the Discussion and Future Recommendations sections of the research paper. You will write and submit these sections of the research paper to your facilitator for review in Module 6.