How you present and deliver project work performance reports

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133540202

Problem: Team Performance Reporting

For a warehouse shopping center provide an example of a simple project team development plan. Your plan should follow the guidance in the PMBOK Guide for managing communication (Executing Section 4.7) as well as Figures 8.1 and 8.2 in the textbook. Your plan should include an introduction and should answer the following questions:

Question A. What project documents will you use to report project progress (see PMBOK® Guide, Section 4.7.2 for examples)?

Question B. How will you present and deliver project work performance reports?

Question C. What historical organizational project artifacts will you review and include in your reports?

Question D. What project communications management tools will you employ?

Question E. How will you report revisions to resource requirements based on project progress?

Question F. What ethical guidelines will you include in your project communication policies?

Question G. How will you collect and ensure accuracy of project performance information used for reporting?

Question H. What, if any, templates will you employ to document, present, and communicate team performance?

Reference no: EM133540202

Questions Cloud

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