How you prepare for consideration to appointed position

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Reference no: EM133656719

Discussion Post: Appointments

Step I: Reflect on your personal views related to nurses' being appointed to boards, organizations or other policy forming entities.

Step II: Post a response to the discussion board by addressing the following questions:

A. Why would a nurse want to seek an appointed position in government?
B. How would you prepare for consideration to an appointed position?
C. Use research and give examples of how nurses in various appointed positions can affect public policy .

Reference no: EM133656719

Questions Cloud

Identity heavily influenced by biological-social factors : For example, what influences a child to play with a doll versus a truck or what influences a child to engage in active play versus passive play?
Identify how data for measures will be collected and analyze : Discuss an accrediting body that will provide accreditation to facility you are proposing. Identify how data for these measures will be collected and analyzed.
Example of the chinese need hierarchy : Reflect on Maslow's Hierarchy and the example of the Chinese Need Hierarchy. How would you describe your own hierarchy of needs?
How do the expectations impact an institutions development : How do these expectations impact institution's development of informatics? How can presence of accreditation standards improve quality of healthcare informatics
How you prepare for consideration to appointed position : Why would a nurse want to seek an appointed position in government? How would you prepare for consideration to an appointed position?
Create a power point describing concepts of diversity : Create a PPT describing concepts of diversity, equity, inclusion and social determinants of health. Explain how a nurse might provide culturally congruent care.
How you cope with this or these stressors : What situations or events are most stressful for you at work or school? Share how you cope with this or these stressors.
Discuss how selected theory guides your clinical assessments : Discuss how the selected theory guides both your clinical assessments and interventions for Mrs. Mendez or her family.
What are the strengths and needs of your community : Formulate a community health nursing diagnosis related to this health need, based on this data, what are the strengths and needs of your community?


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