Reference no: EM132717486
Assignment: Use of Sources
Task: Submit to complete this assignment
Directions: During these last weeks of class, you should actively pursue researching and writing your paper. Your final paper must be submitted by the last day of class.
You have already compiled a list of resources you plan to use in your paper. In this assignment, you will think about HOW you will use them.
Step 1: Read "A Source's Role in Your Paper," from the Harvard College Writing Program. This resource contains a checklist of questions you can ask about your sources to figure out what role they might play in your paper. Use this checklist to evaluate all of your sources.
Step 2: Write an annotated bibliography for submission to your professor. An annotated bibliography is just a list of your sources, but one that includes a brief paragraph--or "annotation"--below each one. It looks like this.
What to Submit for this Assignment
For this assignment, submit an annotated bibliography of six sources you plan to use in your research paper. Your annotation below each source should include:
- A brief explanation of why you consider this source to be timely, relevant, accurate, and objective--in other words, credible.
- A description of how you plan to use this source in your paper, whether as background information, an argument to engage with, evidence, or something else. See "A Source's Role in Your Paper" for more examples.
Describe strategies to address disclosure and nondisclosure
: Describe strategies to address disclosure and nondisclosure as identified in the scenario you selected. Be sure to reference laws specific to your state.
What safeguards would you recommend for collecting data
: Explain the types of activities you would implement in an organization you manage to ensure the proper use of data, particularly in light of the concerns.
Discuss the concept of big data and managing information
: Discuss the concept of big data and managing information from health information systems. Discuss potential advantages and disadvantages of using cloud-based.
What criteria will you list in your draft
: You are a member of the Board of Trustees at your local community hospital The Chief Operating Officer asks you to sit on the new organ transplant committee.
How you plan to use the source in your paper
: Read "A Source's Role in Your Paper," from the Harvard College Writing Program. This resource contains a checklist of questions you can ask about your sources.
Reflect on the usefulness of principlism as a framework
: Reflect on the usefulness of principlism as a framework for bioethics in nursing. How have your academic efforts impacted your professional understanding.
Describe signs and nursing interventions for older adults
: Describe the signs, symptoms, and nursing interventions for older adults with: cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration detached retina, and corneal ulcers.
Identify the risk factors and symptom presentation
: Choose a common diagnosis resulting in neurological deficit in the older adult (i.e. Parkinson's disease, transient ischemic attacks (TIA), or cerebrovascular.
Why the law tends to hold in the short run
: In your own words, explain the law of diminishing marginal productivity. Be sure to mention why the law tends to hold in the short run.