How you plan to motivate the employees in tech company

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133371373


For Tech company (MNC)

You will discuss how you plan to motivate the employees in your Tech company (MNC). What motivation theory(ies) will you use? Does the national culture of your subsidiary make a difference in your choice of theory? If so, how? Please be sure to talk about the chosen motivation theory for each subsidiary and give reasons for your choices.

Reference no: EM133371373

Questions Cloud

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How you plan to motivate the employees in tech company : You will discuss how you plan to motivate the employees in your Tech company (MNC). What motivation theory(ies) will you use?
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Identify one nonverbal cue you give off to your customer : At least one nonverbal cue you give off to your customer (or that you've been accused of exhibiting) that is counterproductive to creating customer loyalty.
How to use authentic test fabs to influence buying decision : How to effectively use "Authentic Test" FABs to influence buying decisions and develop long-term customer relations in Canada?


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