Reference no: EM132219923
Assignment 1: Discussion-Attention and Perception
Focus plays a significant role in athletic performance in all levels of sport and at all ages. The textbook for this course discusses the groundbreaking work on thought suppression conducted by Wegner in 1987 and his famous white bear study; however, research that is more recent is beginning to examine mindfulness training that embraces thoughts as opposed to trying to suppress them. For this assignment, do the following: Read the following article and provide a critique for it:
Aherne, C., Moran, A. P., & Lonsdale, C. (2011). The effect of mindfulness training on athletes' flow: An initial investigation. Sport Psychologist, 25(2), 177-189. (EBSCO ID: 62850536)Then, address the following:
Are there some situations in which you believe thought suppression would be a more effective technique than mindfulness? Justify your answer with adequate reasons and examples. Explain how you might use mindfulness in your current or future career.Write your initial response in 300-400 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
By the due date assigned, post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area.
Through the end of the module, review and comment on at least two peers' responses.
Address the following when reviewing your peers' responses: Provide a supportive and thoughtful review regarding whether you agree with their comments on thought suppression and mindfulness. Did your peers provide you with any suggestions for using mindfulness that you might be able to adapt for your own career?
What are the different types of forensic assessments
: According to the text, a forensic mental health assessment refers to the practice of performing mental health evaluations to assist courts and attorneys.
How you might create instrument for measuring client issue
: In discussion 1, you considered how you might create an instrument for measuring a phenomenon or client issue. For this week's Discussion 2.
Cruise customers are more aware of requirements-personal
: In what ways is product strategy linked to product decisions? Today’s hotel and cruise customers are more aware of their requirements and personal needs.
Discuss the fundamental qualities of marketing strategy
: Identify and discuss the fundamental qualities of a marketing strategy that can characterize it as a good strategy before
How you might use mindfulness in current or future career
: Are there some situations in which you believe thought suppression would be a more effective technique than mindfulness? Justify your answer with adequate.
Discuss the probable outcome of the case using the law
: Discuss the probable outcome of the case using the Common Law of Contracts and/or the UCC to support your decision.
Ethical global leaders share certain common characteristics
: GLOBE study results suggest that ethical global leaders share certain common characteristics, such as integrity and altruism.
The status of the contract between precision and hydropump
: If a contract was formed, did the additional term in the acceptance become part of the contract?
Primary activities-support activities and value chain
: Define each of the following terms: Primary activities, support activities, value chain, copy right, Patent, spam, spyware.