Reference no: EM132527873
Assignment: By this time you should have a strong understanding of how you can impact the workplace by making some improvements for overall success of your chosen the organization. Taking a closer look, evaluate how you impact your workplace or community from an HRM perspective. Consider your personal HR assets and liabilities. This is where you put it all into practice and make a difference.
Choose a topic from the course that you are passionate about in the area of HRM. You will write a paper and develop a PowerPoint presentation about this topic. Include elements, processes, and tools to make it comprehensive in nature. You must submit all your documents in a zip folder.
The following requirements must be met for the PowerPoint presentation:
• Design and format each slide for a presentation.
• The notes sections must total a minimum of 500 words for the entire presentation. Use these sections to explain and support information provide on your slides.
• Include a cover slide and reference slide (these slides do not count toward the 20 - 25 slide requirement).
• At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
• No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
• Identify sources on slides that contain reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) and list them on a reference slide.
The following requirements must be met:
Write 1300 words on performance appraisals and other recognition programs used in the workplace using Microsoft Word in APA 6th edition style.
Use an appropriate number of references to support your position, and defend your arguments. The following are examples of primary and secondary sources that may be used, and non-credible and opinion based sources that may not be used.
Primary sources such as government websites (United States Department of Labor - Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Census Bureau, The World Bank), peer reviewed and scholarly journals in EBSCOhost (Grantham University Online Library) and Google Scholar.
Secondary and credible sources such as CNN Money, The Wall Street Journal, trade journals, and publications in EBSCOhost (Grantham University Online Library).
Non-credible and opinion based sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. should not be used.
Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased statements, information, etc.) in the paper and list each source on a reference page using APA style. An overview of APA 6th edition in-text citations, formatting, reference list, and style.