How you feel about exclusion policies in childcare centers

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133665855

Assignment: Health and Nutrition

Preventing Infection in Early Childhood Centers

Part I

Time to Apply Critical Thinking

Preventing Infection in Early Childhood Centers

As parents drop off their child at a childcare center- they are probably thinking: Will they eat enough? Will they take a nap? Will she miss me? How will he get along with the other children? These are all important questions, because they want to be assured that their child is safe and healthy. We know children share a lot of germs. Respiratory and gastrointestinal infections spread quickly in early childhood facilities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an average of 20,000 children younger than 5 years of age are hospitalized each year because of flu-related complications.

After reading Chapter 8 and 9 in your text about preventing infections, reflect on how centers might prevent the spread of infections and then review this summary of an article (external link, click to open) from the National Library of Medicine that discusses exclusion from a director's perspective and this list Communicable Diseases and Exclusion from Child Care chart from NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource website.

When you are ready to post, share with the group how you feel about exclusion policies in childcare centers. Are we strict enough or not strict at all? What information (from the book, article, and/or website) can you share to support your thoughts?

Part II

Strategies to Maximize Mental and Physical Health After thePandemic

We can probably all agree that going through the COVID-19 pandemic has caused multiple challenges for many people and their families. Many families found themselves sheltering in place, some found themselves unemployed, some had to work additional hours as essential workers, some found themselves or their loved ones became infected or died. Stress and anxieties were common as a result of the pandemic.

One of our tasks as early childhood professionals is to prevent illnesses to help keep children and staff healthy and safe. Yet, there is still work to do after a crisis has happened.

You will read two articles and then reflect upon designing strategies to maximize the mental and physical health of children and adults in early care and education programs in accordance with culturally, linguistically, and developmentally sound practices.


A. Read Lesson 6 (pp. 8-9) of the article Learning renewal - Ten lessons from the pandemic Download Learning renewal - Ten lessons from the pandemic. (McAleavy, Riggall, Korin, Ndaruhutse& Naylor, 2021). If you have time, read this entire article because it contains excellent information.

B. Read the full article Supporting young children after crisis events Download Supporting young children after crisis events (Schonfeld, Demaria, & Kumar, 2020).

C. Write a two-page paper:

1. Based on the information in the articles, what are two strategies you can do to maximize the mental and physical health of children and adults in early care and education programs after the pandemic in accordance with culturally, linguistically, and developmentally sound practices? Use specific examples.

2. How would you go about implementing these two strategies as a teacher or caregiver? Use specific examples.

3. What ecological system(s) would be affected when you implement these two strategies as a teacher or caregiver?

4. What specific examples from Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory helped you decide what ecological system(s) would be affected by your two strategies? Use the information in section 2 of the On track guide - Supporting healthy child development and early identification in the early years Download On track guide - Supporting healthy child development and early identification in the early years (Best Start Resource Centre, 2015).

Reference no: EM133665855

Questions Cloud

Great awakening movement and the enlightenment : Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography, explain the central concepts that define the Great Awakening movement and the Enlightenment
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What are the physiologic implications of the disease : What is the genetic basis of the disease? What are the physiologic implications of the disease? What are the treatment options?
How you feel about exclusion policies in childcare centers : When you are ready to post, share with the group how you feel about exclusion policies in childcare centers. Are we strict enough or not strict at all?
Which distribute stroom bakfiets products in romania : Stroom Bakfiets' market share in Romania does not exceed 5 per cent while Biciclete Cargo's market share there amounts to 17 per cent.
What is one important thing you learned about the history : What is one important thing you learned about the history of health care in America from this section? How does it affect your understanding of our healthcare
What is the historical context of the source : What is the historical context of the source? Identify when it was produced, where it was produced, by whom it was produced, and in what form
Explain each of darwins four principles of evolution : Explain each of Darwin's four principles of evolution. Explain how the proportion of dark moths changed from less than 1% to almost 95% in polluted forests.


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