How you drink water but you will use the practice to help

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Reference no: EM133555348

Homework: Health Psychology- Tracking a Health Behavior

Old habits are hard to break! Anyone who has ever tried to change a behavior may recall the challenge with more or less success. Psychologists have been studying motivation and capacity to change for decades and now more fully understand this complex processes. Giving up one behavior (e.g., smoking) and/or starting a new behavior (e.g., exercising) require an individual to pay attention to their behavior and take action. One of the first steps of paying attention to your own behavior is tracking it! Tracking behavior is surprisingly simple, yet difficult to do. This learning activity will inform your Health Behavior Change Project.

Intention: This activity is designed to help you learn how to track a behavior. In this homework, we will focus on tracking how you drink water, but you will use this practice to help you track other behaviors later. First run at tracking and changing a simple behavior like water intake.

Instructions: Locate and download an app to help you track your drinking water consumption. Or if you prefer paper/pencil, you can download one of those too: Water Journal.

If you do not want to do water consumption, UW-Madison is currently offering the Healthy Minds program app for free UW Madison link for free app

You may use this free app for homework AND the final project if needed.

Using your app or journal, track your intervention Monday-Friday. [Note: tracking behavior is difficult! It is likely that you will not do a "good" job of this initially; please be honest for this homework. You will be graded not on how accurately you track your behavior, but on how well you do reflecting on the difficulty of the experience.]

Compile your tracking notes (either screen shots from your phone, or a scanned image of your paper Journal) into one Word document, and add a 1 page explanation or description of your experience. Include any difficulties or challenges you had in tracking your behavior, and ideas of what you could change next time to do an even better job of tracking your behavior.

Reference no: EM133555348

Questions Cloud

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What were some the social problems of industrialization : What were some the social problems of industrialization in England during the Industrial Revolution? How did the English government handle these social problems
How you drink water but you will use the practice to help : how you drink water, but you will use this practice to help you track behaviors later. First run at tracking and changing a simple behavior like water intake.
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Common approach to soliciting proposals : Write a brief RFP, soliciting proposals from potential contractors. For guidance on what a basic RFP should contain, look at the outline of an RFP contained
How do you think their various ideas about liberty shaped : How do you think their various ideas about liberty shaped the encounters between these groups in the early colonial period? In what ways are these ideas
Explain why you selected these as main points : Explain why you selected these as main points. How do these paragraphs represent important information from the article?


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