Reference no: EM13775898
The teacher designs instruction for specific learning goals and objectives, student characteristics and needs, and learning contexts.
Instructional design must include literacy instruction as appropriate for the content requirements, grade or authorization level, and contextual factors.
Describe how you will design your unit instruction related to unit goals and objectives, students' characteristics and needs, and the specific learning context.
Use the block plan format below to provide an overview of your entire learning unit. Include the topic or activity you are planning for each day. Also indicate the goal(s) and objective(s) (coded from your Learning Goals and Learning Objectives sections) that you are addressing in each activity. Make sure that every goal and objective is addressed by at least one activity and that every activity relates to at least one goal and objective.
• Choose three or four unit activities that reflect a variety of instructional strategies/techniques and explain why you are planning those specific activities. In your explanation for each activity, include
a. how its content relates to your instructional goal(s) and objective(s),
b. how the activity stems from your pre-assessment information and instructional context,
c. what materials/technology you will need to implement the activity, and
d. how you plan to assess student learning during and/or following the activity (i.e., formative assessment).
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