How you could identify the impact of the tool

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Reference no: EM133445906

Question: Tests are typically designed to differentiate people based on their individual mastery of the test's content, a high degree of skill, or presence of desired competencies (Good Impact). However, instances may occur when a test differentiates between people based on characteristics that are unrelated to the test's content (Adverse Impact). In a fictitious hiring scenario, a selection tool was administered to several applicants, which resulted in the hiring of 10 out of 20 applicants. Of those hired 7 self-identified as female, 2 identified as male, and 1 choose not to self-identify based on biological sex. Of those not selected for employment, 10 self-identified as male. Using information from your textbook and relevant course materials, provide a description of how you could identify the impact of the tool. Your answer should include a discussion of identifying both good and adverse impact.

Reference no: EM133445906

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