How you could develop and provide instruction for

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Reference no: EM133442316

Questions: Fully answer the following two questions with information from the textbook. You can either paragraph for each one or provide bullet points for each question. Please use question numbers.

  • Fully explain NASPE Standard #3
  • Provide a paragraph explaining how you could develop and provide instruction for an elementary physical education class aligned with NASPE Standard #3. Provide at least sentence explaining each of the following bullet points.
  • Explain what you will teach (the lesson idea)
  • Explain how you will explain the movement to the class (consider the 3 phases)
  • Explain how you will demonstrate it to the class
  • Explain some of the activities you would use in your lesson (guided practice, individual practice, group practice/activity).


Reference no: EM133442316

Questions Cloud

What is the benefit in having separate ways to target : What is the benefit in having separate ways to target arteriole vs venous thrombosis? What would be the disadvantages (or advantages of targeting
Develop your initial post in terms of your position : Develop your initial post in terms of your position for or against globalization. Explain why you think the way you do, use facts, figures, and research to back
Why would you want to know if the participant consumed : Why would you want to know if the participant consumed coffee or smoked prior to the test? How would the results be affected? Be specific in your answer.
Formulate the firms cost minimization problem : Formulate the firms (long-run) cost minimization problem. Do you agree that contingent input demands must be strictly positive whenever
How you could develop and provide instruction for : Fully explain NASPE Standard #3 Provide a paragraph explaining how you could develop and provide instruction for an elementary physical education class aligned
How admins will be able to manage systems remotely : Explain how the security will be maintained and what devices may be necessary to ensure the security of the devices.
What is respiratory acidosis : What is respiratory acidosis ? How does the body correct these problems? include references
Provide an economic explanation for why the mpn : Provide an economic (not mathematical) explanation for why the MPN in country A is different than the MPN in country B
What sensation can you not imagine your life without : What sensation can you not imagine your life without? How does this sense benefit you and enhance your experience of life? Describe the physiological process


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