Reference no: EM131267637
Two Discussions
Discussion 1:
• Watch the video titled "Scripps," located in Week 5 of your Blackboard course. From the video, isolate one of the many aspects of the Scripps recruitment and interview process that could be most attributable to Scripps' ample supply of registered nurses when there is a nursing shortage across the country. State how you could apply this aspect at your current (or former) place of work.
Discussion 2:
"Business and Government Relations" There are at least two sides to every issue.
Students whose last name begins from A-L will consider their initial response to this question as senior executives of a corporation, for example:
Corporations are people. They are the shareholders who've risked their savings in order to have a better future and a source of income in their old age. They are unions whose member's funds are invested in stocks. All of these people should have the collective right to express how government treats their corporation vis a vis regulations and taxation. Provide your rationale.
Students whose last name begins with M - Z will consider their initial response to this topic as citizens. Consider this article: Fighting Back Against Corporate Personhood . Provide your rationale.
Your subsequent responses to your classmates can be based upon your personal position of this topic.
• Discuss using the ideas, language, terms used in this week's topics.
How many rounds must you play to recover the cost of clubs
: A golf course charges $52 for a round of golf using a set of their clubs, and $44 if you have your own clubs. If you buy a set of clubs for $270, how many rounds must you play to recover the cost of the clubs?
Assignment-php to control mysql
: This assignment will assess the competency 3. Construct advanced SQL queries. Directions: Using your account at 000WebHost and PHPMyAdmin, create a PHP pages that:
Write two two-tailed hypotheses that relate two variables
: Write two two-tailed hypotheses that relate two variables in which you have an interest in exploring. For each hypothesis, you should use different variables. Identify two people you would interview to get views relevant to the research question,..
Discuss possible strategies to affect these ends
: Evaluate every assignment you posted, and be honest and analytical in examining the strengths and weaknesses in your writing.
How you could apply the aspect at your current place of work
: State how you could apply this aspect at your current (or former) place of work. Students whose last name begins from A-L will consider their initial response to this question as senior executives of a corporation.
How many times must you clean the living room carpet
: If you buy the home cleaner, how many times must you clean the living-room carpet to make buying cheaper than renting?
Explain role capitalism plays in corporate decision-making
: Explain the role capitalism plays in corporate decision-making. Discuss if you believe it is possible for a company to cater to both its best interest and that of the consumer conjointly or if one always has to prevail. Justify your response.
Understand the concept of the rhetorical situation
: Understand the concept of the rhetorical situation and identify its basic components within a written argument - Identify the central argument, supporting points, and organizational structure of a written argument.
How much must the employee sell in one month
: One employee of a computer store is paid a base salary of $2,000 a month plus an 8% commission on all sales over $7,000 during the month. How much must the employee sell in one month to earn a total of $4,000 for the month?