How you connect two lans using the internet with a router

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131097869

1: If I am correct authentication would be a process by which you verify that someone is who they say they are. This can be done by using a username and a password, but can also include other methods of identity. You can say it is equivalent to showing your driver's license at the security counter at the airport. Authorization means once the person is identified, do they have permission to be in that particular area, such as having a boarding pass in order to board a plane. Access control is a general way of controlling access to any web resource. Access can be granted or denied based on a variety of criteria. Access control would be similar to opening a door at a certain time of day or locking the door at closing time, and only letting people into a club who are 21 or older.

2: Please explain authentication, authorization, access control, and the implications of each?

3: Timothy, good job sharing how "you connect two LANs using the Internet with a router" and as Jezreel stated, "the shared router with IP addresses are not only used at home but also in offices," good insight. From my experience, routers are great, however, it can be a process when it needs to be reset and sometimes, it's easier to buy a new one. Timothy, Jezreel, and class, when working with Layers, Layer 2 deals with Tunneling Protocols, is L2TP better than an IPSec? Which would be more secure?

Reference no: EM131097869

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