How you can conceptualize a comprehensive assessment plan

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Reference no: EM133503337

Question 1
This week, create a visual or graphic organizer showing how you can conceptualize a comprehensive assessment plan. You might make a chart in Word; or create a flowchart; or use an organizer template you find online such as through the website.
1. Select a lesson or unit of instruction you have taught or plan to teach. (If you do not have anything in mind, you can use this course for this discussion activity. Just make sure to create new assessments for this discussion activity.)
2. Identify learning objectives/goals/outcomes
3. Identify one or more formative assessments
4. Identify one or more summative assessments
5. Create your visual and include all of this information to show your ideas for assessing
6. Post your visual here along with a paragraph where you cite the literature and explain your visual

Question 2
Family policy can be a very controversial and passionate topic given the various issues plaguing families today. We will dive into some great discussion and explore many sides of these issues. Please remember the rules of netiquette and respectfully present your stance on the issues. This will be strictly enforced.
Select through 10-12 Internet Resources on Family Policy provided for this class (see attachment) or any websites that have been included in the readings. Using the criteria in the article below, evaluate 3 of the websites listed for accuracy and credibility, placing your comments in the table provided. Then choose a website on your own that illustrates poor credibility and explain why you find it disreputable, in the final column of the table. Post your table in the Discussion.

Reference no: EM133503337

Questions Cloud

Have you been to a lot of basketball games the season : Ask questions that will engage other person, such as Is this the first art history class you've taken? Have you been to a lot of basketball games this season?
What your plans are to improve in this skill area : Which Leadership Skill have you chosen for your Skill Building Assignment? Tell us why you have made this choice and what your plans are to improve
Provide presentation on cushing disease and cushings syndrom : Provide presentation on Cushing's Disease and Cushing's syndrome, definition, pathophysiology, cause, complications, diagnostic test and management.
Share instance where healthcare leadership in your workplace : Share an instance where healthcare leadership in your workplace did a good job or poor job of handling a quality or performance improvement initiative.
How you can conceptualize a comprehensive assessment plan : how you can conceptualize a comprehensive assessment plan. You might make a chart in Word; or create a flowchart; or use an organizer template you find online
Compare three different types of outpatient care settings : Compare three different types of outpatient care settings, such as physician offices, ambulatory surgery centers, urgent care, emergency rooms, et cetera.
Understanding international and organizational cultural : Understanding international and organizational cultural differences is key to the mastery of industrial relations.
Who is the critical audience you will speak to : Who is the critical audience you will speak to (e.g., your boss, the client) What is the optimal time for your talk (e.g. a department meeting, one-one meeting)
Describe importance of conducting ongoing formative child : Describe the importance of conducting ongoing formative child, family, and setting assessments to monitor progress and instructional effectiveness and student


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