How you can change the above table into two-nf

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131479850


Question One

Suppose you want to store the following information:



















1.a Is this table in first normal form? Why or Why Not?

1.b Why it is not in 2NF? How you can change the above table into 2NF.

Question Two

2. Using the following relationsto write SQL statement that follows:

Product (product_name, price, category, company_name)
Company (company_name, stockPrice, country)

a- Find all products produced by USA and have a price greater than 500.

b- Find the Categories that a product might belong to. Make sure that the category is not repeated and it is listed in ascending order.

c- delete all products with that belong to SONY company.

Question Three

3.a List the three design goals for relational databases, and explain why each is desirable.

3.b What is the result of an arithmetic expression involving nulls, for instance, what 7 + null would return?

Reference no: EM131479850

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