How you can break from your peer relationships

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Reference no: EM133073373 , Length: word count:900


Learning objective 1: Evaluate role-taking and role-making in the workplace and explain the role of socialization in these processes.

Learning objective 2: Apply the skill acquisition model to nursing (Benner, Dreyfus, & Dreyfus).

Learning objective 3: Describe setbacks experienced by new role expectations.

Learning objective 4: Discuss challenges to socialization in the advanced practice nurse (APN) role.

Learning objective 5: Distinguish stress and strain.

Learning objective 6: Understand the historical background of education for advanced practice.

Learning objective 7: Describe external factors that drive demand and influence education for advanced practice.

Discussion Boards demonstrate active involvement with the material being covered. Students will have a shared responsibility for learning, and for creating and sustaining the learning community within the context of this course. You will be asked to discuss the issues/cases in an effort to increase everyone's understanding as opposed to a regurgitation of facts. Communication skills such as good listening should be evident in well thought out discussions. Comments show evidence of a thorough reading and analysis of the power points and material assigned. Ideally there is a willingness to test new ideas rather than offer only cautious or 'safe' comments. Students interact with other class members by asking questions or challenging conclusion in a respectful manner.

Last-minute posts do not demonstrate your best work. Two posts are required for each module in order to receive credit.

• Contributions are evaluated on presentation of a meaningful 'informed opinion; i.e., synthesis of your preparation on the topic, interaction with peers and faculty, and ongoing learning. Useful posts may include and are not limited to:
o Posting your 'take' on the issue, this is informed by your preparation, not a 'gut reaction:
o Asking critical thinking questions
o Offering alternate interpretations and additional insights
o Contributing to the learning of the group
Discussions must be backed up with PEER reviewed journal articles beyond what is provided for students.

Discuss the values, attitudes, knowledge and skills that will contribute to your success in an APN role and how you can break from your peer relationships in order to form new ones.

- Provide 2 peer reviewed references that are < to 5 years old and from a professional advanced practice journal for your initial post.
Respond to two other classmates' posts

- Provide 2 peer reviewed references per post that are < 5 years old and from a professional advanced practice journal.

Reference no: EM133073373

Questions Cloud

Working smarter : Select two tools or practices that you discovered, that you believe can help you to become a more efficient online instructor.
Transforming into learning organization project : Reflect on the Transforming Into a Learning Organization project. What did you discover that was interesting to you?
Lesson on solving inequalities and handed students : You have just finished lesson on solving inequalities and handed students worksheet to complete silently.What should you do next to protect student's privacy.
Integrate strong values and ethics : What are some ways you might integrate strong values and ethics into your content-area lessons to help support students' character development
How you can break from your peer relationships : Discuss the values, attitudes, knowledge and skills that will contribute to your success in an APN role and how you can break from your peer relationships
The methodology literature section : The Methodology Literature section should describe the various studies that have been accomplished within your topic area and should focus on the methodologies
What is the proper role of psychology : How can caring be incorporated effectively into the curriculum? What is the proper role of psychology in selecting instructional practices?
Identifying strategic issues : Identifying strategic issues and help an organization face its greatest challenges and find its most promising new markets.
Designing learning environments : Designing learning environments that motivate-encourage active participation in individual and group activities for individuals with and without disabilities


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