Reference no: EM131814103
Invitation to Sociology by Peter Berger
Be forewarned, this is not easy reading! However, the content is very good.
You will probably need to use a dictionary as you read through this article in order to understand certain words. I encourage you to jot down these new words and use them in your discussion post for this assignment.
Not all of the course readings will be this difficult, but I want you to get a good introduction to what sociology is from one of the greats.
Estimated reading time for this assignment= 1 hour 15 minutes (in a quiet place with no distractions)
The best thing to do is print out the article and make notes in the margin or on a separate piece of paper. Try to think about what you will gain in studying sociology and how you may use it in your everyday life as you make notes of interesting points.
Then share your thoughts with the class on the discussion board. In your initial post, please make sure to include the following:
1. At least three points from the article you found interesting and why. You may quote direct passages from the article in order to enhance your score.
2. How you can apply sociology in your own life. Be specific with your answer.
3. Any new words you had to look up and what you learned from this.
4. Complete sentences with proper grammar and spelling. DO NOT USE "i" please!