How you as a practitioner will use the code of ethics

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133677345


Research the Code of Ethics for your profession through your Ontario Regulatory College and the (Ontario and/or Canadian) Professional Association that represents your profession.

1. Outline the Code of Ethics offered by your College or Association including:

  • The date of ratification/publication,
  • The references they used in its creation,
  • The headings, definitions, examples and any other key points that the Code addresses, and
  • A summary of the document

2. Describe how you as a practitioner will use the Code of Ethics to guide your individual practice.

3. As a future healthcare leader, how would you use this Code to help guide you at the organizational level.

4. How would you access the expertise of other interdisciplinary colleagues to navigate an ethical dilemma that is affecting the entire team?


Reference no: EM133677345

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