How you approached normalization

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM131504682


Individual: SQL Queries

The following assignment is based on the database environment created in the Week Four Individual Assignment.

Design and develop the below queries using professional principles and standards:

• A set of SQL Statements that returns all rows and all data for each table in your database.

• Two SQL Statements that return a subset of columns and a subset of rows using the WHERE clause.

• Two SQL Statements that join two or more tables in one query. Look for primary and foreign keys to help you determine join points. Use the JOIN clause as a part of your queries.

Submit an .sql file with the scripts needed to create the required queries and submit the file using the Assignment Files tab.

Learning Team: W5 - Deliverable

Complete work on your Learning Team Database and Presentation based on the requirements from Week One.

Submit a .sql file that includes all of the scripts to create the database tables, establish keys and constraints, populate data within the database, and queries to the Assignment Files tab.

Submit the presentation including recorded audio speaker notes to the Assignment Files tab.

Your team has been asked by a small retail client, SmallMart, to create the underlying database for a new point of sale (POS) system. You will be going through the Database Development Life Cycle, beginning with the analysis of requirements and ending with the creation of a physical database, the creation of queries that will be used in reporting, and a presentation that will be delivered to the CEO of SmallMart.


Include the following specifications in your database:

• The POS database must support the following subsystems: Invoicing, Inventory Management, Customer Management, and Employee Management.

• Each of these subsystems must include a primary key and at least five different attributes using appropriate data types and the overall database must be normalized to at least the 3rd Normal Form. Foreign keys must be set up with constraints and relationships established between entities.

• The database will need to be populated with test data. At least ten records for each subsystem.

• At least four queries must be created to provide management insight into each subsystem. Two of these queries must join data from one or more other entities.

Include the following specifications in your presentation:

The presentation to the CEO should include information on the database development life cycle which includes:

• An ERD.
• How you approached normalization.
• Any decisions that were made around keys, data types, constraints, etc.
• Considerations that were made around the creation of the physical database
• The value of queries included in the project.

Record audio speaker notes that are attached to the presentation. The presentation should be 7- to 10-slides long and delivered in 10 minutes. Remember to include a slide to cite your references.

Reference no: EM131504682

Questions Cloud

Determine a suitable research goal : Determine a suitable research goal.Discuss what type of sampling could be used for this study.State your hypothesis of the expected results for this study.
Plot principal stress distributions in the support component : Using ANSYS calculate and plot the principal stress distributions in the support component shown in the accompanying figure the bracket is made of steel.
The discount rate for project should equal : The discount rate for a project should equal the:
Matter of politics or true faith : Was the Reformation in England more a matter of politics or true faith? To make your point, consider the cause of the Reformation in England.
How you approached normalization : How you approached normalization. Design and develop the below queries using professional principles and standards.
What will be optimal cash return point : The trading cost per sale or purchase of marketable securities to be $280 per transaction. What will be its optimal cash return point?
Compare islam and christianity : Compare Islam and Christianity. How did the two arise? How are the faiths alike, and how are they different?
Discuss the roman division of social classes : Discuss the Roman division of social classes. How did Rome attempt to reconcile these differences in law and culture
Reduce post-purchase cognitive dissonance : Name TWO (2) SPECIFIC ways a car company can try and reduce post-purchase cognitive dissonance when they sell a brand new car to 25-year-old millennial.


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  Determine resonant frequency in series rlc resonant circuit

Given the series RLC resonant circuit in the figure, operating at variable frequency, determine: The resonant frequency ω o ,  The circuit’s quality factor Q , The cut-off frequencies, f 1  & f 2  and the bandwidth BW

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