Reference no: EM132804098
Adv & Sales Promotions Assignment Questions -
Q1. What discourages clients from hiring their own specialized experts instead of applying of full-service agency?
Q2. While adhering to the Prime Direction, what is the false assumption behind "targeted" advertising agencies only working on advertising only for their demographic groups?
Q3. What does an advertising / promotional planner sees as the primary purpose of the mass media?
Q4. What determines if communications strategy can make use of publicity as an effective sales tool? Explain
Q1. How would you use advertising to break the clutter? What impact does clutter-free advertising play in increasing brand acceptance?
Q2. What does the author mean by "To transform the way ads have been programmed so far, one will need to pay close attention to the existing metrics and re-evaluate different brand strategies"?
Q3. Can you use clutter to your advantage? If yes, how? If No, why not? Support your answer with relevant examples.