How would you respond to the passage

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Reference no: EM133410618

Question: The demography of the population can affect personal decisions I make during college. For example, if the college already has a lot of students and a large population I may end up not socializing as much as I would in a college with a smaller population size. Also, not being able to build relationships because of the large population may affect me wanting to stay in the school and may have a higher chance of dropping out or taking breaks throughout the four years because of lack of relationships to this environment.

How would you respond to the passage above?

Reference no: EM133410618

Questions Cloud

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What is your preferred approach to leadership : What is your preferred approach to leadership? How does the System work for you and the community and how can your leadership best benefit the community
How would you respond to the passage : chance of dropping out or taking breaks throughout the four years because of lack of relationships to this environment. How would you respond to the passage
Make public believe that product contained cocaine : What if the facts were different? Suppose that Coca-Cola had been trying to make the public believe that its product contained cocaine?
Do you think a depiction of an ideal world is dangerous : Talk about your experiences with such materials and your thoughts on them. Do you think a depiction of an ideal world is dangerous or useful for politics
Describe classroom management skills : Think back to your middle or high school years and explain how these skills were implemented and if they were effective. Explain what you would do different.
Discuss how the principle of working together applies : Discuss how the principle of working together applies to Lana's plan for community building.


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